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And now, for today’s top stories:
Dene Moore
News, Politics, Culture
November 17th 2020
Naomi and Seth Klein are probably Canada’s most famous sibling activists, but you could say they are just following in the family business.
More in today's news
It was former prime minister Pierre Trudeau who once described sharing a border with America as akin to sleeping with an elephant. “No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast,” he said, “one is affected by every twitch and grunt.”
Merran Smith, Sarah Petrevan
| November 17th 2020
The travel industry was sideswiped by COVID-19, and one young Toronto-based sustainability expert sees that as an opportunity to make it greener. But airline emission cuts will have to be part of the rebuild, environmentalists say.
Morgan Sharp
News, Next Gen Insider
| November 17th 2020
About 30 per cent of Canadians have bought groceries online in the past six months, and online food sales have surged since the pandemic started, according to a new study by researchers at Dalhousie University.
Marc Fawcett-Atkinson
News, Food Insider
| November 17th 2020
Dianne Saxe was the Ontario environmental commissioner from 2015 until 2019, when the Ford government eliminated her position. On Friday, Canada's National Observer reported that Saxe would run for the Greens in 2022.
Emma McIntosh
News, Politics
| November 16th 2020
The call to action, known as Joyce’s Principle, aims to ensure that Indigenous people have equal access to "the highest standard" of government-run health services. First Nations have for years complained about discrimination in hospitals and other institutions.
Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
| November 16th 2020
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has highlighted the work of journalists working under pressure in Hong Kong and Belarus at an international conference on media freedom.
Mike Blanchfield
News, Politics
| November 16th 2020
Westcoast Energy has been fined for failing to prevent a fiery pipeline blast northeast of Prince George, B.C., two years ago that led to natural gas shortages in the province through the winter.
The Canadian Press
| November 15th 2020
Meet Vanessa Corkal, a sustainable development researcher who's not afraid to ask the big questions.
Patricia Lane
| November 16th 2020
From the archives
David McKie
| May 28th 2020