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Tensions between Hillary and Bernie supporters flare up at Democratic National Convention

#39 of 84 articles from the Special Report: U.S. Presidential Election 2016
First Lady Michelle Obama gives a rousing speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on July 25. Photos by Eli Krag.

After a week-long prelude to the apocalypse at the Republican National Convention with Donald Trump, it was time for some sanity and optimism to be restored with the Democratic convention in Philadelphia.

The theme of the night would be “unity” — and rightly so. Bernie Sanders delegates booed the man himself earlier that day in response to his endorsement of rival Hillary Clinton. It looked like the convention was going to be at least a little chaotic.

Some convention-goers wore their allegiances on their sleeves, or in this case, their back. Photo by Eli Krag.

From the start of the day, Bernie supporters chanted “Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!” or “Count the vote!.” They booed at any mention of Hillary or Kaine during DNC Chair Marcia Fudge’s speech.

After the noise finally quelled she stated in a disappointed tone to the crowd before leaving the stage:“We’re all Democrats and we need to act like it.”

The unrest didn’t end up lasting long. Diane Russell’s powerful speech, noting her unrelenting support for Bernie and the need to now unite at this moment for the greater good, was a turning point.

Diane Russell speaks at DNC on July 25, 2016. Photo by Eli Krag.

Elijah Cummings noted in his speech that “this election is bigger than Hillary Clinton” and “bigger than Bernie Sanders.”

Elijah Cummings speaks at DNC on July 25, 2016. Photo by Eli Krag.

Chants of “No TPP” periodically arose throughout the convention.

Anti-Trans Pacific Partnership demonstrators were all over the convention.

Eleven-year- old Karla Ortiz, the daughter of undocumented Mexican immigrants, spoke about her worries over the risk of her parents being deported. She spoke of the comfort she found in the idea of Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump as president. She received a standing ovation from the crowd.

Karla Ortiz speaks, her mother Francesca stands behind her. Photo by Eli Krag.

Trump, meanwhile, was given plenty of attention throughout the convention.

Al Franken delivered a comedic yet serious roast of Trump, claiming at one point that he’d gotten a doctorate in megalomaniac studies from Trump University.

Al Franken's mixed comedy with a serious call for unity.

Sarah Silverman’s endorsement of Hillary produced chants of “Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!” from a part of the crowd, at this point very small.

She didn’t hesitate to respond, telling the chanters, “You’re being ridiculous!” Unfortunately, this didn't seem to help.

Cory Booker, Michelle Obama, and Elizabeth Warren gave rousing and powerful speeches that had the room buzzing, and maybe even unified.

Senator Elizabeth Warren photo by Eli Krag.

After all that, it was time for the final act.

Queue Bernie Sanders. The room exploded into cheers, and roughly three minutes passed before he could even begin his speech.

The entire convention seemed to have acquired Bernie signs and wouldn’t stop chanting his name.

Bernie Sanders waits to address the convention. Video by Eli Krag.

It was supposed to be the DNC, not a Bernie rally. But looking at the scene, you might have expected balloons to fall after his speech, as if he was the official Democratic nominee.

Sanders gave his as-usual powerful speech, and after some time, gave his full endorsement of Hillary Clinton. For the remainder of his time on stage, Sanders continued to speak nothing but highly of her, and urged his supporters to vote for her.

But Sanders may not have done enough on Day 1 to convince his supporters, who are still actively protesting against Hillary in his name.
