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This clean-tech executive believes climate-change solutions go hand-in-hand with pipeline expansion

#787 of 2520 articles from the Special Report: Race Against Climate Change
Denis Connor, a clean-tech investor and former CEO of QuestAir Technologies. Photo submitted by Denis Connor

Last month, over two dozen clean-tech executives and investors in renewable-energy, penned a letter to B.C. NDP Premier John Horgan, asking him to reconsider B.C.'s opposition to the Trans Mountain pipeline.

One of them is named Denis Connor and he is first chaiman of General Fusion and former CEO of QuestAir Technologies.

He told National Observer that, in his opinion, the Trans Mountain expansion may be necessary to move Canada's climate policy in the right direction long-term.

Long-term climate gains

"It's going to be hard to deal with the climate issue," Connor said. "We’ve got to capitalize on the progress we make (under the Liberal government). But we want to be sure we don’t move backwards ... by giving an opening to people like the Conservative party in Alberta and Ontario and federally to walk away from the climate deal that was made."

The Trans Mountain expansion has sparked strong opposition in parts of B.C., in part because it would bring a seven-fold increase in oil tankers traffic along the Burrard Inlet. While proponents say the project will boost jobs and tax revenue, its critics argue it would push Canada's climate goals out of reach. Since March, over 170 people, including federal MPs Elizabeth May and Kennedy Stewart, have been arrested on Burnaby Mountain while protesting the project.

Federal Green Party MP Elizabeth May arrested by Burnaby RCMP while protesting the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline expansion in Burnaby on March 23. Photo by Protect the Inlet Media.

Connor said he agrees with environmentalists that Canada must transition off fossil fuels. But, in his view, if an oil pipeline must be built somewhere, it's better to have it in a province with carbon pricing.

"Is the world going to have a gradual move away from fossil fuels? Yes. Is not having this pipeline built going to mean that that 800,000 barrels per day are not going to be produced somewhere else? No," he said. "It simply means that it’s going to be picked up by some other country that has access to the ocean and probably no carbon pricing.”

“[Climate advocates] want to have the climate challenge met, and that’s what we’re all about," he said. "But we see it as a much longer-term and more difficult process.”

"What progress" ?

But Monika Marcovici, executive director of Board of Change, a Vancouver-based network of businesses pursuing sustainability and profit, said a policy of approving pipeline projects undermines the climate policies promised by the Liberal government.

"What progress do we really have?" she asked. "There is no way that Canada will be able to meet the climate targets that were set by Paris agreement if this project is built...We just cannot be continuing to build fossil fuel infrastructure in a climate change world."

Board of Change executive director Monika Marcovici. Photo provided by Monika Marcovici

Critics have also highlighted the fact that federal Liberal government and Ottawa is currently in talks with Alberta to exempt many oilsands projects from federal review, with in situ (using steam to extract bitumen from underground) oil sands projects to be exempted from a list of projects that must be reviewed under the Impact Assessment Act.

Marcovici said building oil pipelines while claiming to meet climate targets "does not stand up to either economic nor common sense scrutiny."

"It makes no sense to continue to invest in a sunset economy," she said, referencing a talk by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Vancouver at the GLOBE Series conference in which he suggested the fossil fuel infrastructure will soon cease to be profitable.

A long-term solution?

Connor suggested that businesses should focus energy on developing solutions that lower carbon, using climate technologies under development today.

“I’m involved with companies that are doing exactly that. One of them is capturing CO2 from the air and intends to combine that with renewable energy to produce replacement fuels. Exactly the same as gasoline and diesel, except its recycled CO2s instead of rather than fossil CO2s.”

Connor said he believes the Trans Mountain will go through, but that it will be accompanied by advancements in clean technology to reduce emissions.

“By 2030, Canada and the oil in that pipeline has got to have a much lower carbon intensity, and that will in part be achieved by things like carbon capturing. By the 2020s, I believe we'll see a pretty complete transition to electric passenger vehicles and small trucks.”
