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Doug Ford to be tested for COVID-19 after minister came in contact with virus

#678 of 1611 articles from the Special Report: Coronavirus in Canada
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, shown in 2018, will get tested for COVID-19 Wednesday. File photo by Alex Tétreault

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is getting tested for COVID-19 Wednesday after one of his cabinet ministers came in contact with someone who has the virus.

Education Minister Stephen Lecce — who spoke at the premier's daily briefing for reporters at Queen's Park Tuesday alongside Ford and Health Minister Christine Elliott — was tested for COVID-19 later that day. Ford and Elliott first delayed, then abruptly cancelled their briefing Wednesday as it was due to begin.

"Premier Ford and Minister Elliott will be getting tested today," said Ford's office in a statement. "Both will continue to monitor for symptoms and take appropriate action as necessary."

Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities Ross Romano, who did the daily briefing instead, said he learned news of Lecce's exposure to COVID-19 a "matter of minutes before coming to the podium." (Romano had been scheduled to appear at the conference alongside the premier and health minister.)

The premier's office said in a statement that Ford and Elliott decided not to come to the press conference "out of an abundance of caution," and it will update the public once Elliott and Ford's test results are available.

Premier Doug Ford is getting tested for COIVD-19 after one of his cabinet ministers came in close contact with someone who had contracted the virus. #onpoli

Lecce's office said the education minister's test had come back negative and he remained home in self-isolation. A spokesperson for Lecce would not confirm when he had been exposed (it can take several days for the virus to incubate and be visible on test results).

"(Ford) wants to make sure everyone on the premises here at Queen's Park is safe," Romano said.

During Ford's briefings, which have happened daily since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, usually happen with a few other people in the room, albeit at a distance. Ford typically stands two metres or more apart from other ministers. There is also a cameraman who captures footage for journalists in the press gallery, and a press secretary from Ford's office.

The premier's office did not immediately respond to questions about whether other personnel at Queen's Park would or should get tested.

Ford's nephew, Toronto city councillor Michael Ford, tested postive for COVID-19 Tuesday. The premier's office said Michael Ford had not seen the premier in person for the last two weeks, and there was no risk to Doug Ford's health.
