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Climate stories from the Atlantic

I’ve been on the climate beat for a while. After a few years at Canada’s National Observer, I’ve written tirelessly about oil, gas and coal — the things that are causing the catastrophic climate crisis that now affects so much of the world. I’ve written about solutions to the climate crisis, what we need to do to shift the trajectory we’re on, and how communities are adapting to the impacts of a warming world.

We call it “climate solutions reporting” and it is a big part of what we publish at CNO. It complements the other types of stories we produce, the ones that dig into the why behind fossil fuels and the accountability reporting we do to hold the government, banks and corporations’ feet to the fire.

If my climate solutions reporting speaks to you, will you make a donation now and support bold Canadian journalism that digs into solutions to the climate emergency?

If I’m being honest, I used to be resistant to the climate solutions reporting piece of our work. I thought it was individualistic and gave those actually responsible for burning fossil fuels an unfair break.

Since being at CNO, I’ve changed my mind. I learned climate solutions are essential. Only focusing on the things fuelling climate change and the bad actors trying to hinder progress omits a very important truth: Climate change is solvable and everything we do to lessen warming will have a tangible impact on lessening the devastating, and often deadly, impacts of climate change.

If my climate solutions reporting speaks to you, will you make a donation now and support bold Canadian journalism that digs into solutions to the climate emergency? 

Back in October, I wrote about Sanikiluaq, an Inuit community on the Belcher Islands in Hudson’s Bay. The community made history this fall when it announced it was developing a wind project to help get a significant portion of the community off diesel power.

The story is an interesting example of solutions reporting. While Sanikiluaq’s climate footprint is miniscule, getting off diesel is about more than the amount of emissions it will reduce — it’s about untethering Sanikiluaq from its reliance on fossil fuels, and it’s about the health and economic impacts that stem from no longer relying on the dirty, expensive energy source.

It’s a story of a community taking climate solutions into its own hands, getting closer to energy security and autonomy. That’s an important solution.

Solutions reporting is also about heat pumps and how we will change our buildings to be less fossil fuel-emitting while keeping people safe. It’s about electrifying transportation. It’s about being critical, questioning and holding the government and big business accountable along the way.

I want to do a lot more solutions reporting, but I can’t without your help. Your financial contributions fuel reporting on what will solve the climate crisis. Your donations mean more boots-on-the-ground coverage — stories where I can go and see what these solutions look like and what impact they will have from every corner of the Maritimes.

This month, CNO is raising $125,000 to bring you high-quality, fact-checked, Canadian journalism on solutions to the climate crisis.

Will you back my work so I can continue producing stories that matter? Please make a significant financial donation today. Every contribution brings us closer to achieving our annual fundraising goal.

Season’s Greetings,

Cloe Logan

CNO Atlantic Reporter
