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Defending animal rights means never eating your clients

Camille Labchuk's journey toward veganism began at 12 and was motivated by a desire to distance herself from the cruelty associated with dairy and egg production. Photo by Abdul Matin Sarfraz for Canada's National Observer

Growing up on Prince Edward Island, Camille Labchuk lived with a coterie of domestic animals, including cats, hamsters, rabbits, and ducks. But at age nine, she became aware of the darker side of human-animal relationships. Television footage of the commercial seal kill near her home profoundly impacted her, sparking a lifelong commitment to animal welfare.

“I couldn't believe that people were clubbing baby seals over the head and then skinning them for their fur,” said Labchuk. “My experience with animals until that day had mostly been that people were kind and loving toward their companion animals. That was when I first … realized that sometimes animals suffered at our hands.”

Labchuk, a lawyer and executive director of Animal Justice since 2015, has dedicated decades to advocating for animal rights in Canada. She presses hard for legislative changes and industry accountability to protect animal welfare and legal representation for animals in the courts.

Being part of an organization like Animal Justice is a dream come true, she said. Over the years, more people are now actively engaged in calling radio stations, writing letters, and meeting legislators to demand positive changes for animals.

Labchuk’s most recent high-profile case is a lawsuit filed by Animal Justice against the so-called “Ag-Gag Law” in Ontario Superior Court. The law prohibits animal rights activists and journalists from conducting undercover investigations and filming animal cruelty at farms and slaughterhouses. Labchuk argues the Security From Trespass and Animal Safety Act, as it is formally called, violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

One of Camille Labchuk's goals is to recognize animals as sentient beings in Canada's Criminal Code. Although a symbolic gesture, she believes it is important to challenge the perception of animals as property. #animalrights #animalcruelty

Among her notable successes with Animal Justice was convincing Canada in 2019 to ban keeping whales and dolphins inside tanks and aquariums. It was monumental because, for the first time in over 100 years, Canada enacted new animal cruelty laws at the federal level, she said.

“Parliament had almost completely abandoned its responsibility to protect animals for a very long time, so it was gratifying to see a wave of public support that inspired legislators to finally listen and pass this critical law.”

In her private life, Labchuk is a committed vegan, a lifestyle that aligns with her belief that animal lawyers should not eat their clients. Her journey toward veganism began at the age of 12 and was motivated by a desire to distance herself from the cruelty associated with dairy and egg production.

“I learned that animals raised for dairy and eggs experience some of the worst conditions — usually even worse than animals who killed for meat — and that cows and hens are slaughtered themselves once their bodies are worn out. Once I learned that, I was inspired to move entirely away from eating dairy, eggs, meat, or fish,” she added.

Labchuk initially waffled over her career choice, thinking at one point she’d pursue a degree in psychology with aspirations of becoming a neuropsychologist. Her goals took an unexpected turn when she joined the Green Party of Canada, ran in the 2006 election and later worked as the press secretary for party leader Elizabeth May.

In Ottawa, she learned how powerful advocates could be. The turning point occurred when Labchuk was invited to document the seal slaughter with an organization fighting to ban seal product imports to the European Union. She witnessed professional advocates at work, recognized her calling and decided to blend law with her passion for protecting animals.

“For me, that experience was formative for one major reason: I realized that advocating for animals could be a full-time, professional career. There weren't many role models at the time, so this was a revelation.”

There are big challenges ahead for Labchuk and her compatriots. Canada has some of the worst animal protection laws in the western world, she notes. The majority of people in the country care for animals, and everyone wants animals to be protected; nobody wants to see them suffer, Labchuk said. However, she recognizes animal rights advocates face strong adversaries in the powerful meat industry and hunting lobbies.

“Unfortunately, our laws don't mirror the will of the people. Instead, they reflect what the industry lobbyists want to see to ensure maximum profit from exploiting animals.”

One of Labchuk's key advocacy goals is to recognize animals as sentient beings in Canada's Criminal Code. Although the recognition would be symbolic, it is important to challenge the perception of animals as merely property, she believes

The ongoing images of animal abuse Labchuk observes daily takes an emotional toll, she said. She draws strength from her privileged position to make a difference and tries to channel negative feelings into a positive force for change.

“Sometimes I can help get laws passed, and sometimes I can mobilize members of the public to care just a little more than they did before.”

Outside her legal and advocacy work, Labchuk actively engages in personal practices aligned with animal rights. Through her Instagram and other social media accounts, she spreads awareness about plant-based living and shares the joys of a compassionate lifestyle.

This story was produced in partnership with Journalists for Human Rights for the Afghan Journalists-in-Residence program funded by the Meta Journalism Project.
