David Suzuki, Catherine McKenna, Tzeporah Berman, Bruce Lourie, Graham Saul, Noam Chomsky on the fork in the road: a conversation series broadly agreed on some of the principles for post-pandemic Canada. Invest in green energy that can replace fossil fuels. Electrify the supply and distribution of power. Don’t subsidize or bail out big gas and oil companies.
The British Columbia Wine Institute estimates that the cost of a case of Canadian wine would rise by about $6, if a new provision in Canada’s trade truce with Australia comes to pass, following a two-year grace period.
The federal government is offering a "temporary income support program" that will provide workers without access to paid sick leave 10 days if it is related to COVID-19, Trudeau's office announced.
“Our issue is that they are cutting too much lumber in too small an area in too short a time,” said Rick Craig, president of the North Lake Residents Association.
The opinion, written by corporate-governance expert Carol Hansell, senior partner at Hansell LLP, concluded that the legal obligation to act on climate already exists in Canada for corporate directors without any new laws needing to be passed.
The vice-president who quit. The fired senior designer. Both spoke out on the e-commerce giant’s warehouse conditions — and working for the world's richest person, Jeff Bezos.
The Vancouver Airport Authority, one of only four airports that does qualify, according to the Canadian Airports Council, won't be taking advantage of the program "at this time," it confirmed to National Observer.
As income loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic stretches into a third month, both landlord and tenant groups are bracing for even more households to fall into rent arrears. That could lead to a tidal wave of evictions once a tribunal to deal with them is reopened.
Airports were singled out multiple times by government sources on Wednesday as Finance Minister Bill Morneau unveiled the details of the federal Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility.
Clear-cutting old-growth forests to produce wood pellets to replace fossil fuels in electricity generation would release more carbon into the atmosphere than it would save “for many decades,” according to a new scientific study.