La série d'articles sur « l'Affaire Charest » de Mike De Souza est finaliste dans la catégorie « journalisme d'enquête exceptionnel » pour les médias en ligne.
Making use of Canada's new assisted suicide law, John died like he lived: fierce, dignified, ahead of his time, serving others, and surrounded by loved ones.
The company faces a long list of permits and approvals before it can start construction, especially in Nebraska where TransCanada doesn't expect a ruling on the project until the end of the year.
Is the phasing-put of the largest selling "bee-killing" insecticide in Canada actually a victory for science and the environment, or a well-worn strategy to swell corporate coffers?
Canada and the U.S. have rather "conservative" policies on transitioning to clean energy, says a new report that calls for a massive global ramp up in efforts to decarbonize the planet's economy.