Given the racial and economic segregation that marks most Canadian neighbourhoods, it’s particularly important to do social repair work in ways that reach across postal codes.
Many people with lived experience are motivated to support and care for individuals who have faced similar challenges, vulnerable circumstances and traumas.
Finance Canada won’t confirm whether it will consider forgiving Trans Mountain’s massive public debts at the expense of taxpayers, despite ample indications that loan forgiveness is inevitable.
Web3 has the potential to disrupt existing institutions because it can accelerate change more quickly, creating new models rather than working through existing layers of process and governance.
In the race to protect ourselves against COVID-19, Canada's government and corporate interests have opted not for solidarity but for charity, a habit that has directly enabled vaccine apartheid, writes Jesse Firempong.
Flavours of Hope, a Vancouver-based non-profit, is helping refugee newcomer women build connections and income through food with its Dream Cuisines project.
Companies that prioritize their communities will ultimately be more sustainable, more resilient and better set up for long-term growth, writes Desjardins Group president and CEO Guy Cormier.
High school seniors Basma Berih and Celine Ho's experiences navigating the COVID-19 pandemic illustrate the nuanced ways it alters students' academic trajectories differently.
To some onlookers, the sudden termination of these three women of colour is a manifestation of long-time problems with the women's advocacy organization: discrimination, racism and a general lack of inclusivity.