Eleanor Boyle
About Eleanor Boyle
Eleanor Boyle is a Vancouver-based writer on on food policy and sustainable agriculture and diets. A former full-time journalist, she has degrees in behavioural science, neuroscience and food policy, and has taught post-secondary psychology. Her publications include an opinion in the Globe and Mail arguing for rationing of high-emissions consumption, a contribution to UBC Magazine’s Future of Food series, and a post for the UK-based Table Debates, Author of Mobilize Food: Wartime Inspiration for Environmental Victory Today (Friesen, 2022), Eleanor blogs at eleanorboyle.com.
We need a rethink of Big Poultry to stop avian flu
Experts suggest commercial poultry, especially factory-farmed and crowded in barns, is one culprit behind the rapid spread of avian flu. But one response by the Canadian government is to compensate farmers — paying the industry millions for bird slaughters — without requiring improved biosecurity against potential pathogens. Perhaps we should question this approach.