Margaret McGregor
About Margaret McGregor
Dr. Margaret McGregor is a health policy researcher and clinical associate professor with the UBC Department of Family Practice.
The Prince Rupert gas pipeline doesn't pass today's health standards
As physicians and environmental health scientists, we are calling for a new environmental assessment before this project proceeds precisely due to both significant changes in the context of pipeline construction and important new evidence that must be assessed.
What fracking does to us
Studies we reviewed of people living near fracking sites revealed harmful effects, including impaired fetal growth, premature birth and congenital malformations.
It’s time to talk about fracking and health
It is time for governments to consider the emerging science on fracking and human health in their energy policy decision-making.
Avoiding the “F” word: How “natural” is Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)?
In October, the B.C. government celebrated a decision by private-sector investors to proceed with LNG Canada, a $40 billion infrastructure project in Kitimat to export “natural” gas. Why are so many media and government announcements studiously avoiding the “F” word?