B.C.’s new Energy Minister Adrian Dix could electrify the province’s low carbon economy if Premier David Eby’s NDP government opts to wean itself off LNG.
The government of Ontario is increasing energy procurement targets by 50 per cent, the province’s largest ever energy procurement expansion. The push is critical to keep up with the soaring demand for electricity.
Wind-assisted systems to save fuel are also being fitted to engine-powered cargo ships, all the way up to the massive 340-meter (1,115-foot) Sea Zhoushan.
The Inflation Reduction Act was enacted in a hyper-partisan environment, but it has gained support among Republicans. Will its emissions-cutting programs endure?
Energy Minister Stephen Lecce says energy companies must get municipal support in order to proceed and banned solar installations on prime agricultural land.
Politicians are often fed misleading information by corporate interests that oppose strong climate action, which masks the often overwhelming support of voters for key climate policies.
Renewable energy investments have also experienced growing earnings over the past 10 years due to steadily decreasing cost of capital across the globe.
Since October 2023, Inukjuak has halved its reliance on fossil fuels and aims to eliminate their use for heating and electricity in residential buildings by October 2024.
The battle against climate change can be powered with small microgrids, using the free energy of nature’s wind, solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and ocean wave and current systems.
Nova Scotia's Dan Roscoe started as a renewables investor, but now he's at the head of a local company with plans for localized energy generation that he sees as key to the energy transition.