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Andrea Landry

Andrea Landry

About Andrea Landry

Andrea Landry is a mother, a professor, and a Life Skills Coach through Red Echo Associates. Pre-pandemic, she ran a variety of programs in the areas of parenting, health and wellness, social justice, colonialism, Indigenous kinship, grief and recovery, trauma, and other topics. She is originally from Northwestern Ontario from a small community called Pays Plat First Nation, but currently resides on Treaty 6 Territory on Poundmaker Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, Canada. She holds a Masters in Communications and Social Justice from the University of Windsor. She is also an Indigenous rights defender, a freelance writer, blogger. She strives to provide individuals, families, and communities with the tools they need in order to create change for themselves. She also enjoys video games, snaring, gardening, reading fiction and traveling the powwow circuit.

1 Article

Message from an Indigenous mother to her three-year-old during COVID-19

“Will aunty die from the virus?” Andrea Landry's three-year-old daughter asked her one morning while they were playing quietly on the floor. Landry recognized her daughter's fear, and she recognized her own. She knew this pandemic was an invitation to feel complicated emotions, but also a time to look to traditional knowledge systems, to survive in the same way as her ancestors did.
  • Profile photo of Andrea Landry