Chloe Rose Stuart-Ulin
Montreal |
About Chloe Rose Stuart-Ulin
Chloe Rose Stuart-Ulin is a bilingual English-French investigative journalist from Montreal. Her work on tech, finance, education and the cannabis industry has appeared in CBC, the Globe and Mail, Maisonneuve and Quartz, among others.
When she isn't writing or studying physics, she's probably out hiking in the woods with her scoundrel dog, Goose.
Takeout in a post-plastics world
Though many restaurants across Canada have already begun using more sustainable alternatives to plastics, the federal government’s announcement this week of the pending bans still came as an unwelcome surprise to some.
A warming climate is sending more tree-destroying pests north
According to Environment Canada, the overall economic impact of invasive species in Canada, including plants and living creatures, is staggering: about $7.5 billion annually.
Major toilet paper brands are flushing our forests down the drain
Climate change may not make your list of considerations shopping in the TP aisle, but it should.
Yellowknife banks on a controversial climate solution
Often falsely touted as being carbon-neutral, biomass boilers are only good for the environment under very specific circumstances.
Quebec's Magpie River becomes first in Canada to be granted legal personhood
The Magpie River is the first in Canada to be granted legal personhood rights, part of a growing global movement rooted in Indigenous beliefs.
Climate change mitigation a matter of faith for the United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada offers grants of up to $30,000 for faith communities looking to retrofit old churches with environmentally friendly alternatives.