Cogie Cogan
About Cogie Cogan
Cogie Cogan is a passionate advocate for animal rights, pursuing an undergraduate major in Animal Ethics and Sustainability Leadership at Huron University College. They have worked as an animal welfare research assistant, are currently a member of the ProVeg International Youth Board, and founder of Huron Protection of Animal Welfare Society (HPAWS). In 2020, Cogan founded Western University's first student club to foster the next generation of environmentally aware business leaders.
This Thanksgiving, I will not have a turkey at my table
For most of us, Thanksgiving is simply a day to be present with loved ones and show gratitude. So, how did a turkey enter the equation?
Cogie Cogan makes climate crisis everyone’s business
In 2020, Cogie Cogan founded Western University's first student club to foster the next generation of environmentally aware business leaders.