Katie Myers
About Katie Myers
Climate Solutions Fellow at Grist.
Faith organizations offer relief when disasters hit, but their mission can be twofold
Churches, synagogues, mosques, and other houses of worship are well positioned to gather resources and mobilize quickly. In rural communities in particular, local churches are natural communal focal points, providing social structure and a trusted information network.
The EV shift could ease millions of childhood asthma attacks
For children living near U.S. highways, a transition to zero-emission electric vehicles will mean reduced exposure to dangerous exhaust.
Climate-damaged states see a way to make Big Oil pay
Legislation of the sort being pursued by Vermont and others won’t repair all of the damage wrought by climate change or stop pollution on its own, but such laws could provide remediation funding for communities that don’t have much money to go around.
In 2023, unions became core to the climate movement
In the clean energy transition, labour unions and the climate movement are finding that they're stronger together.
When this coal processing plant closed, ER visits plummeted
Research shows that cutting carbon emissions offers more than an abstract, long-term, far-ranging result. It can actually save lives, almost immediately.