Sadie Parr
About Sadie Parr
Sadie Parr lives in Golden, B.C. She is dedicated to working towards conserving wolves across Canada as part of a functioning ecosystem. Sadie was the executive director of the charitable conservation organization Wolf Awareness from 2015-2021. She currently sits on the advisory council for Coyote Watch Canada and is a director of the Valhalla Foundation for Ecology. Sadie is the founder and manager of 'WeHowl', a national collective of organizations to make a difference for animals, conservation, and the environment. She is also a co-founder of Stand With Us, a movement to save the last functioning Inland Rainforest, which is home to mountain caribou and myriad other unique species.
A myopic view of success: Killing wolves is not the answer
I do not think that saving caribou is worth the slaughter of thousands of wolves.
Wolf kills and caribou zoos: here's what's wrong with B.C.'s new recovery plan
On a cold morning in February, dedicated elementary students gathered lichen for caribou who live in the Revelstoke maternity pen. They were told these actions are creating hope for the future — they were lied to.
B.C. government scientists admit wolf cull is inhumane, then propose to expand it
Why does the B.C. government want to spread the wolf cull when its own scientists have admitted there's "no humane" way to do it?