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Stephen Jackson

Stephen Jackson

About Stephen Jackson

Stephen Jackson is the Indigenous CEO of Anishnabeg Outreach (AO).

Since graduating from the University of Waterloo with a masters degree in industrial psychology, Jackson has spent most of his career helping large corporations transform and implement globa,l best-practice talent management programs (human resources) and culture, either as an in-house expert or as an external consultant.

Jackson has developed and operationalized strategic plans that have allowed AO to significantly grow (more than1000%) in funding and its service delivery offerings for the local Indigenous community. He has been instrumental in developing relationships and partnerships that will enable the completion of AO’s Centre for Indigenous healing in the region.

In partnership, he built the AONest which offers the achievement of reconciliation in our lifetime by providing Indigenous people with the resources and tools needed to regain culture and language, heal, learn sports and gain employment or start companies.

This link redefines reconciliation so that it is achievable in our lifetime. AO develops and delivers the three pillars of reconciliation.

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